Web Site Specialists in Teignmouth & Sidmouth


The prices we give here are for guidance.

It is difficult to give an exact price until we know your exact requirements. You may want a simple home page or small business site, a searchable database or you may want an online shopping store. You may want eye-catching graphics and animations or you may prefer a site which is simple and quick to load. All of these elements affect the price because the time we take to make your site will vary, but we hope that these pricing guidelines will give you an idea of how much you will need to budget. Be assured that, whatever you want, we can offer long-term committment to our clients and a clear, efficient and friendly service.

For an estimate or quotation e-mail us by clicking here.

There are 4 main cost areas to consider when putting your business onto the Internet: domain name registration, site design, hosting and search ability. Additionally, you may require elements of consultancy and administration.

Domain Name Registration and Email - Initial fee for 2 years - £25

A professional web site needs a domain name, e.g. www.yourbusiness.co.uk. This registration and administration fee covers the first two years of a .co.uk or .org.uk name, after which we charge £12.50 annually to reregister your name. (If you prefer you can have a .com, .net or .org name which is £30 for the first two years.) We strongly recommend that you register your own chosen domain name as soon as possible, even if you aren't ready to have a web site, because these names are being snapped up very rapidly. We will do a free search for you to discover if your name is available and recommend alternatives. Even without an Internet site, we can immediately arrange for you to use your business email address in your promotional literature e.g. sales@yourbusiness.co.uk.

Site Design - home page from £50 - extra pages from £45 a page

We will produce a clear and attractive business site that loads quickly and is easy for your customers to navigate. In this price we will include your business logo, business details, product or service information, and contact details. We will include a link to your email address so that customers can contact you, a simple graphic or scanned photo and text, provided by you on disk, up to 1000 words per page. If you prefer, we will write the text for you at our administration rate. We are happy to quote for additional scanned photographs, enquiry forms, secure online ordering, e-commerce and other features. We will quote per project for your exact requirements.

Hosting Your Site - from £1 per week per site

Everyone needs somewhere to put his or her web site so that it is reliably and quickly available to anyone surfing the Internet at any time. We will advise clients on the most reliable and trustworthy servers ensuring that sites can be easily and promptly viewed. A simple business site as described above, without e-commerce, database or application, will cost £1 per week to place with a host. A year's hosting is payable in advance.

Searching for your site - all part of the service!

It is vital that people using the Internet are able to find your business products and services or information. We include programming techniques into your site to enable search engines to list your organisation. We then submit your site - free - to the main UK search engines, which is one way to ensure that potential customers or those seeking information find your site. We recommend that you also have a site statistics service which, for as little as £20 a year, gives very detailed information about your site's visitors. For this we can arrange to send a comprehensive weekly or monthly report straight to your desktop via email.

On Site Consultancy - from £25 an hour for businesses in Devon and Cornwall

Devon Web Design can help you and your staff with the Internet, from providing and setting up a connection to configuring, managing and organising your email.

Updating and administration based in our office - from £18 an hour

Most sites need to be updated and reviewed with new pricing, products, services or pages from time to time. When you need that service we will be here to provide it, quickly and efficiently. We can update your site for you as often as necessary and our charges are by the hour. We can also provide a number of other services from our office, such as research and action to promote your business through your web site and marketing advice to make the most of your Internet presence. We can arrange links with other related sites including on-line trade or service directories and local business sites. We can also receive and administer your email, either entirely or whilst you are on holiday.

The prices and services outlined here are for general guidance only. We look forward to providing a quote for your detailed requirements.

For more information or to arrange a pre-site consultation please contact us by e-mail by clicking here or click on our "Contact us" button for details of our address and phone number.

We look forward to hearing from you.





